Our tokens.

APEX and sAPEX form the backbone of Aperture’s incentive structure, aligning the interests of the community, liquidity providers, and the platform itself. This dual token system encourages active participation, promotes network stability, and supports the decentralized governance that is vital to Aperture’s mission of providing deep and accessible liquidity across the perpetuals market.`


APEX is the governance and utility token at the core of the Aperture network, designed to empower users to participate in the growth and decision-making processes of the platform. APEX holders have the ability to stake their tokens, which not only gives them a say in the network’s governance through the DAO but also enables them to earn rewards by contributing to the ecosystem’s liquidity and stability.


When users stake their APEX tokens, they receive Staked APEX (sAPEX) in return. This sAPEX represents their stake in the network and grants them Liquidity Power (LP), which can be delegated to specific liquidity providers or strategies within Aperture. By doing so, users can earn additional rewards based on the performance of these providers, making staking both a governance activity and a way to enhance their earning potential.

The staking process also involves a lock period for the sAPEX tokens. Users can select either a custom or preset duration during which their tokens will remain locked. During this time, the staked tokens cannot be withdrawn without incurring a penalty, which encourages long-term commitment to the network. This system not only rewards those who are invested in the platform's success but also helps to ensure that liquidity remains stable, which is crucial for maintaining the deep liquidity that Aperture offers.

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